Sylvianne based her thriller, Deadly Side Effects, on her own experiences with chemotherapy’s deadly side effects. She first learned she had cancer when hospitalized for surgical removal of a lump she had discovered in her underarm. Like her novel’s heroine Kate, Sylvianne initially turned to an alternative therapy, Vitamin C intravenously administered. Later, other alternatives were tried with the help of a Toronto physician, but four years later, when the ovarian cancer had metastasized to her liver, she consented to cycles of chemotherapy.

Both the first and second rounds were so harsh they had to be cut short while she recuperated in hospital. She died shortly after the third round commenced. By means of her novel, Sylvianne gives the reader insight into the challenges facing anyone diagnosed with cancer. Despite billions of dollars spent over decades on research, still today, only one in three patients diagnosed with this fearful disease will survive.


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How Cancer Grows
The Cancer Industry
About Sylvianne
Conventional Treatments

SEF Chemo

Alternative Therapies

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